Last time we learned that the things that you can’t see often end up being the things to bite you hardest.
Not everything that is hidden is buried six feet under however, and unlike the septic in your front yard (and the bodies in the backyard) the roof is relatively visible yet at the same time forgotten. It’s really important to care about and keep in mind; it’s the first line of defense your house has against the outdoors. It’s left exposed to defend you and yours from all manner of precipitation and temperature.

So what exactly can be done to save your roof from becoming a casualty? Mostly, just keep an eye on it.
Watch out for any debris piling up on the roof: clear your roof of debris regularly. Make sure that there’s proper ventilation and insulation in your attic. If your ventilation and insulation isn’t up to snuff not only can that damage your roof but it can also burn you out of a buttload of money from the unnecessary work and stress done on your air conditioning and heating. Don’t forget to make sure that the shingles themselves aren’t already damaged or completely worn away.
I won’t even mention the dreaded ice dams.
Just remember: if you really care about your roof, be there to stop the wear and tear.