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Millennials Approach Real Estate by Moving Back Home

Nearly half of all millennials are looking to ease financial and emotional pressures by living closer to their parents.

Millennials are finding it hard to save money for a down payment on a home. As rents rise, and student debt eats into savings they are choosing to live closer to home. Therefore, getting a leg up on entering the real estate market.

Both parents work full-time in nearly half of all U.S. homes. Forty-two percent of mothers in the United States contribute to household earnings.

Millennials are depending on parents to take a bite out of their living expenses. Parents are helping with child care and providing emotional support in tough economic times.

For young families with 2 working parents and small children, childcare is often the single-largest expense at 28% of the family’s monthly budget, according to Connecticut United Way. For a family of 4, child care can take a big bite out of the budget. This can make paying a mortgage impossible. And, there are limited evening or weekend childcare options for parents working a non-traditional work week.

Child care payments can represent a buyer’s purchasing power.

On the Way Home

Living with family close by creates a support network that living away from family doesn’t provide. A strong network of supportive family and friends helps with mental well-being. Having family near helps create healthy families, both emotionally and financially, creating opportunity to enter the housing market.

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