Never plant these invasive shrubs (and what to grow instead!)
Exotic invasive shrubs pose a threat to natural areas. The qualities that make them attractive and low maintenance also allow them to survive and spread into the woods and fields. Once there, they outcompete native plants that are vital to the survival of wildlife. Removing invasive shrubs already in your yard can be easier said than done. Garden Centers continue to sell them. Some offer food for birds or butterflies. Even if some wildlife benefit from these shrubs, they can destroy habitat for many other species. In the big picture, native plants provide the best wildlife habitat.
Luckily, there are great native alternatives to invasive shrubs.
Invasive Shrubs: Butterfly Bush
Renowned for its ability to attract butterflies, butterfly bush has become invasive in the Pacific, Northwest and much of the East. If you want to grow this plant, look for sterile, seedless cultivars like Blue Chip.
Invasive Shrubs: Burning Bush
Native shrubs that provide an equally stunning scarlet display include sweetspire, blueberry, and fothergilla. These vibrant alternatives also offer nectar to pollinators, berries for birds or even both.
Invasive Shrubs: Japanese Barberry & Pyracantha
Many native berry-producing shrubs are better choices, including dogwoods, winterberry holly, elderberry, chokeberry, native viburnums, blueberry, bayberry, wax myrtle, Oregon grape and manzanita.
Other Invasive Shrubs to Avoid
You might have invasive shrubs on your property that aren’t sold in nurseries and that you didn’t plant. It’s important to put something in their place after removal so that the invasive plant doesn’t come right back.