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Bird Pecking

Why is a BIRD pecking at my window and car mirror?

How do I make a bird stop pecking on my window? When a bird begins doing this, it has mistaken its own reflection for another bird. It is trying to drive it away. Some individuals become obsessed with these phantom rivals and may attack them for weeks.. The only real solution is to hang reflectors or cover the window with a cloth covering. The birds will lose its drive to defend its territory after the breeding season wanes, so even it you can’t block all the reflections, this behavior should end after a few weeks.

Birds pecking at car mirrors

Why do cardinals peck at car side mirrors? Cardinals, like many other birds, defend a territory during the nesting season to make sure they have enough space and food for themselves, their mate and their young. If a male cardinal sees another male cardinal in his territory, he chases the trespasser away. Unfortunately, he can’t tell the difference between a real cardinal and a reflection in a mirror. So he might spend hours trying to chase away this false intruder that can’t be intimidated. You might try covering the mirror when you are not driving your car so this defensive cardinal can go about his business.

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